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SPD Program

Now that another exciting IAHCSMM conference is in the books, let the planning start for next year. SPD Managers are challenged with budgetary issues each and every day. One of the most important line items, and one that is often the first to be cut is money for training and continuing education.

A unique and innovative frequent purchaser program called "Sterile Processing Dollars (SPDs)" has been developed with these issues in mind. Your institution will earn these SPD points with every purchase of a Healthmark product for your Sterile Processing Department (Central Supply, Central Service, Sterile Supply). These points can then be used to purchase educational materials for you and your staff. Healthmark has teamed up with IAHCSMM(International Association of Hospital Central Service & Materials Management) and CBSPD (The Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution) to provide the most comprehensive educational materials and programs available for Sterile Processing/Central Supply Professionals and Technicians.

You can use your SPDs to cover the cost of your registration and books, you or your organization will only need to pay for travel, room & board expenses.

If you can't make a national conference use your SPDs on registration for a local IAHCSMM or CBSPD meeting. (Check with your local group to see if they are a participating partner in the SPD program).  SPDs can be spent not only for meetings but on all of the CBSPD and IAHCSMM educational materials including; textbooks, boxed course materials, publications and training kits.

Matt Smith
Marketing Manager
Weekly Coupon
To find out more information about SPDs, including qualifying products and registration, click here!

Tip of the Week

To learn more about these outstanding educational materials, visit the IAHCSMM website at and the CBSPD website at

Quote of the Week

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
- Benjamin Franklin

Industry News

Hospital door handles often harbor MRSA, study shows

Auditing medical-device reprocessing key - Infection Control

The ins and outs of sonic cleaning of surgical instruments

Periop Insider Newsletter - CDC Updates SSI Guideline: 5 Things to Know